Processing ...

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▷ Draw everything from simple shapes to complex 3D animations with sound on an Oscilloscope

▷ Arrange your composition in the sequencer

▷ Powerful Livecoding feature


▷ A software oscilloscope made for looking at music

▷ Drop an audio file in the application and watch the waveforms.

▷ Free download / Open Source

LaserFromSound (VST-Plugin)

▷ Connect to Helios DAC, Ether Dream and Wicked Laser Devices

▷ Send your stereo sound to a laser from any DAW

▷ Built-in output preview

▷ Projection mapping

Max for Live patches

▷ Lots of patches for different Oscilloscope visuals & sounds.

▷ Seamlessly integrated in Ableton Live

▷ Edit and expand patches with Max MSP

▷ Free download

Pure Data patches

▷ Various patches for different Oscilloscope visuals & sounds.

▷ Easy to edit and expand

▷ Recommended to use with Purr Data

▷ Free download / Open Source